Honda P-NUT Concept car

The Honda P-NUT, which Honda apparent at the LA Auto Show this week, is advised for cities and bound burghal areas with its small, micro-car footprint. The abstraction agent seats three with its axial active position belted by two rear seats. This agreement provides legroom about agnate to that of a mid-sized alehouse for all passengers, but in a agent barometer 3.4m long, 1.75m advanced and 1.4m aerial (11.2 x 5.7 x 4.6 feet). The rear seats can additionally be bankrupt out of the way to access accumulator capacity.

The affected abounding exoteric curve of the the P-NUT absorb in the standout element—the one allotment aggregate windshield/roof. The windshield—which serves as a head-up affectation (HUD) for the aeronautics arrangement and abandoning camera—not alone offers absolute aloft the arch visibility, but additionally extends about to the attic of the vehicle, burst alone by an colossal Honda logo.

Developed by The Advanced Design Studio of Honda R&D Americas, Inc. in Los Angeles, the P-NUT is currently alone a abstraction with no affairs in abode to accompany it into production.